UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) attestation) to be executed as a deed and is delivered by the Principal to the Attorney (POA Holder) and takes effect within UAE and abroad with all the powers mentioned therein on the date written and will be signed, approved, notarized and legalized via E-Notary System.

We can prepare your general POA in just 3 steps:

Documents Required for MOFA in UAE or remote poa notarization and legalization

We can provide Online UAE General POA as follows:

UAE and outside General POA for Property which includes:

UAE and outside General POA for Family Purposes which includes:

We can provide Online POA as follows:

For Personal Use:

  • A copy of the passport.
  • A copy of the Emirates ID (If the person is a UAE resident).

For Company Use:

  • Copy of trade license.
  • Memorandum and articles of association.
  • Passport copies of the shareholders.
  • Emirates IDs of the shareholders.

Place your order online through Contact us or send us Whatsapp. Choose your desired POA Service or call us for assistance by Landline or Mobile

Once you place an order, we will collect the required information from you by email.

• After receiving the requirements, we will prepare your POA and send you the draft for your review and comments.
• Once the POA is approved by you, we will assist you with the e-notarization.
• After the e-notarization, you will receive your electronic POA to your email.

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